You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.2. Setting up and Configuring POS > POS System Setup

Setting up and Configuring POS

Before POS can be used, you need to run the setup programs so that POS operates in the correct manner for each user. This involves setting the general system configuration, setting up your registers, and setting your configuration options for laybys.


Setup and Configuration Procedure

This topic offers step-by-step instructions for setting up your Micronet Enhanced Point of Sale system.

  1. Setup your general configuration.

You need to configure the general options you want to run in POS, like serial number tracking and till reconciliation.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - POS - Configuration".

  1. Setup the default settings for new customers.

It is possible to create non-account customers directly within POS. These customers are added to the Debtors master file, with an automatically generated debtor account code with a user defined prefix.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - POS - Default Debtor".

  1. If you want to use the POS layby facility, setup the default settings for laybys.

POS is equipped with a standard layby facility. If you want to use this facility, you need to consider the way you would like your layby system to work, e.g. what credit cards you need to allow for, and whether you need to use the built-in unit recognition feature for sales of products where calculations need to apply, e.g. timber stick sales, calculating square metres for glass sales, calculating whole boxes of tiles so that boxes are never split, etc.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - POS - Layby".

  1. Setup the last used numbers in POS transactions.

The last used numbers are the starting points for your dockets, laybys and customers.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - POS - Last Used Numbers".

  1. Setup any user defined questions (UDQs) you want.

POS can ask up to five special questions that are important for your business during the POS sales process. These are called User Defined Questions (UDQs).

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - User Defined Fields".

  1. Setup credit cards and other payment types.

Up to eight credit cards can be setup in your POS system for processing customer payments. Each credit card entry can be assigned to print or not print on the bank deposit form. Not printing on the deposit form is appropriate for EFTPOS and direct deposited transactions since they have already been posted to your bank account.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Payment Types".

  1. Enter the default settings and delivery methods for Enhanced POS.

You can enter default settings and default delivery methods for POS to apply to POS dockets for non-account and account customers.

Refer to "Edit - Applications - POS - POS Enhanced".

  1. Enter any company text you want to appear on your POS dockets and POS layby dockets.

Additional company text can be added as required to your POS dockets and your POS layby dockets. This text needs to be enabled on your standard dockets from within the Micronet Report Generator.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Company Text".

  1. Setup your cash registers.

You need to consider the way you would like to have your registers configured. A register represents each area where money is stored since it is the register that is opened / closed each day that produces the banking and reconciliation reports for the day's trading. The register contains the control functions and acts as the repository for the cash collected.

At least one register needs to be established before POS can be used. Multiple registers can be setup if you have more than one cash drawer. Each user (or operator) is then assigned to a register. You can assign one register to one user or one register to many users, which would be the case where you have more than one POS sales terminal but only one common cash drawer operating.

To set up your registers, refer to "File - Cash Register".

  1. Configure each user, their access and privileges.

You need to set the appropriate settings on the User File Update screen - Main tab, User Access tab and POS Security tab.

You can apply default cash registers to each POS user and setup their POS security settings. Please note that user security can be setup for each register you establish within POS.

Refer to "Maintenance - Edit User IDs".

  1. Setup PC EFTPOS and PINPad or Tyro EFTPOS depending on which EFTPOS integration tool you are using.

This integrates your EFTPOS terminal with Micronet, meaning you don't need to reconcile your cash register or Micronet End of Day reports with the EFTPOS figures for the day, reducing the possibility of double entry errors.

Refer to "Setting Up PC EFTPOS and PINpad" or "Setting up Tyro EFTPOS".

  1. Optionally, setup a Topaz signature pad for signature capture.

Refer to "Setting up Topaz Signature Capture".